Unveiling the Potential and Benefits of Mobile Concierge for Hotels
Mobile concierge web apps redefine guest experience. Explore five compelling benefits that hotels and their guests can gain from this.
Mobile concierge web apps redefine guest experience. Explore five compelling benefits that hotels and their guests can gain from this.
Email marketing for hotels: Personalization, compelling content and practical tips to drive engagement, boost loyalty and increase revenue.
Choose RevPAR for room-centric goals and opt for TRevPAR for a strategic, all-encompassing approach to maximize revenue for hotels.
Hotels stand out by offering a personalised guest experience. Guest Engagement Automation is crucial for achieving this at scale.
TRevPAR measures total guest stay revenue, including rooms, dining, spa, and ancillary services, offering a comprehensive financial overview.
Two key indicators RevPAR and RevPAG, which one should be the primary focus for hotels aiming to increase and maximise their revenue.